Weekly round-up!
Mostly this week I was useless, and finding just a million more projects I want to start!
In particular, Friday I was just craving this easy smores dip, which I added peanut butter to. I’ll share my results with you on Monday! (In summary, YUM!)
Do you love avocados? I love avocados. I want to make this. Right now. Or right after I go to sleep. So tomorrow.
I. want.
to. ruffle.
I try not to pin too many completely unrealistic things when online, but I’m thinking I could definitely pull off this door. Especially with all the crazy projects I’ve been accomplishing recently!
Every since I made popsicles with my little brother and sister (don’t worry, I share the store with you soon enough!), I’ve been wanting my own, fancy popsicle mold. And I’d love to make this flavor. Everything about it sounds delicioussss!
This one, on the other hand, is definitely going to be the next batch I make with Gabriella and Trey. Absolutely.
And, for good measure, a pretty picture (that I wish I could cite better… or properly… or at all):
Follow me on Pinterest: labelitlauren
Mostly I lost my phone, so I didn’t take a lot of pictures. When I did, I was at home, watching Bones, with “cats in laps”! :p

Crrrumpet! (Don’t they have the cutest red, matching collars?)
I completed this beauty last Sunday, and I’ll let you know exactly how I made it this Sunday!
Cooking with Sara – we had a chicken & potato main course with applesauce on the side and cinnamon apples filled with ice cream for dessert. YUM. Read about it at uncommonflock.com!
And here’s what I’m working on tonight! Maybe I’ll get to finish it up tomorrow, and tease you with it again next Saturday. ;p
Follow me on instagram: labelitlauren
I’m sorry, because I know I’m going to offend just about half of everyone. But Bones is not all that much to my liking. It is very much “OK”. But I am determined to finish it. So I hope it gets better. 4 seasons of 7, and I’m about bored.
…I may have just lost it. But you know what? I always disliked this line. Almost as much as I dislike that One Direction song ‘What Makes You Beautiful’.
Follow me on twitter: labelitlauren
Jeez, sorry for getting all negative here! I’m actually having a wonderful day and am really excited for everything uncommonflock has coming up. :) I feel like I’ve been slaving away fixing little details, and there are so many left to fix! I like taking breaks to brainstorm new ideas and work on projects.
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